Dianna, Please send me copies of your example emails as well. I've already started a Yahoo Group, but out of 400 families, I've only gotten 43 participants. How to encourage participation?
Thanks, Kathy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is it possible for me to get a copy of an example for emails? I'm trying to get a list together as well, but it hasn't been that successful. I keep running into major problems with our Principal. She is a nice woman, but she doesn't seem to like many of our ideas (that we, of course, think sounds exciting) and she won't sign off on them. So, I'm trying to talk to the parents through email.
Also, at the end of the year, the school has a volunteer breakfst for those who helped the teachers a lot. Are you suggesting that we do something like that (and probably more than once) just for those who are ALWAYS helping? Also, do you think the advertisement for that would make the other parents interested in coming in? Do those parents need individual invitations or just broaden it in the newsletter?
Team building is important. People will get burnt out if there are no or little personal returns. Have you considered having special functions for parent volunteers, such as a special dinner or evening out without the kids? Most people cannot function on philanthropy alone... at least not for very long.