We also have a fundraising chairperson (which unfortunately is ME!) What I do is gather all of the incoming fundraising presentations, and check to see who has the best deals. Toward the end of the year, I send out a survey to the parents listing some of the ideas that we have, and ask them what they want to sell. We all know that it is really the parents that do the selling, so I figure if they sell things that don't "bug" them, then we will have a better fundraiser.
How about a carnival chairperson or a donation chairperson?
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I have been PTO President at an elementary school for two years now. We have between 525-575 students. Our parental involvement is very, very low. So my question is if I were to ask some of these parents to help and actually give them a title, what kind of positions do I need? I have a box top chairperson position, but no one wants it. I have a party chairperson established, and a volunteer chairperson, what else do I need?