I have several committees planned. Seeing that there has been 0 volunteer forms turned in I am not holding my breath. There is approx 350 students. Here are the committees that I have standing right now.
Float Committee (our schools participate in our yearly county parade)
Fundraising Committee
Fun Day Committee
Fall Fesitval Committee-which will be broken down to several sub committees after we figure out the details (this is our first fall festival).
Resfreshment Committee (for the meetings)
Grant search committee (this is designed for working parents that want to help out but are unable to put in much time at school)
Public Relations Committee
Parent Teacher Involvement Committee (this committee is responsible for meeting with other PTOs in our county)
I would also like to have a Volunteer cooridinator. Right now I am more worried about having a treasurer and VP.
Along with the committee sign ups I offered detailed discriptions of each committee. Thanks to this site and orgsites. I plan on giving the committee members guidelines also. Right now I have about 4 people signed up on these committees. Wish me luck. First meeting is August 8. Hopefully we will have more interest and I can figure out what people I need to guilt...I mean ask to do things.