Originally posted by Melissa Constantine: Crystal,
I have emailed you a flyer that I made and our PTO sign up form. They are both in Word. Let me know if you have any trouble with them or have any questions.
Could I have that Form as well-We have This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Melissa Constantine
19 years 3 months ago#112903by Melissa Constantine
I have emailed you a flyer that I made and our PTO sign up form. They are both in Word. Let me know if you have any trouble with them or have any questions.
You can see mine here:www.fcps.edu/lortonstationes/pta/pta.html
in the volunteer section.
It might turn a few people off because it's so long, but this will be the third year we've used this basic form (obviously tweaked for changes in programs), and we get a pretty decent response with it. At least it gives you something to start with.
I share your exhaustion! We are having the same problem as well. I am also sending home a PTO packet with every parent at our open house. I am going to list the fundraisers that we know we are planning and also the ones that I would like to initiate and do some type of survey as well. I believe I saw a survey in the forum that features parent involvment that may help you. I wish I could offer something as well, but I am also in the planning stages of this packet. Good Luck!