We send home a flyer with a list of events and a brief description of the activity then there are two boxes at the end, one to check if they want to chair and one if they want to help. At the bottom of the form is spot for their name & number.
Skate Night: This committee coordinates the publicity in the school and to the parents about skate night, including distributing and collection of the hold harmless agreements which are required for all skating participants.
Chair______________ Help__________________
We list all of the events and discriptions. By doing it this way we find our chairperson and volunteers for the event at the same time. The chairperson will be given a list of parents who checked that they wanted to help with that event. Then the chairperson just calls and gives details to the helpers. Saves chairpersons a bit of time too.
Good Luck!
We send out a flyer in early May asking for chairmen and room mothers for the next year. We fill some positions this way and the rest of the people were asked. I was lucky in that the chairman for our HUGE fundraiser volunteered!! Lucky me!! Alot of times, your friends will come forth to help you, too.
How about a recruitment letter with a short job description and time requirement info, and don't forget to tout the fact that there are notebooks and details on handling the position. That can have a big effect on someone deciding whether to take it on or not. Then set a meeting date for all interested parties.
Don't forget plain, old-fashioned asking people you know would be good at it!!
Doe anyone have any ideas on how to recruit Chairpersons/committe heads? We have notebooks created with their duties, timeline, everything they need to know. We came up with descriptions for each with time commitments listed. Help please?