I just found out that our school district is trying to bring back PE everyday in our elementary schools, I sure hope they find a way to do it!! Kids really need to move to keep their minds awake for learning.
Our kids start school at 8:40 and get out at 3:15. They get 30 minutes for lunch and 30 minutes for recess afterward. They play outside as soon as the bus drops them off in the morning until the bell rings at 8:40. After lunch is the only schedules recess. The teachers usually have free time in class that sometimes is used to go outside.
If this a very important issue to you, I'd get some articles on the importance of play, and how it reduces stress to allow the kids to focus better in the classroom. A little ammo for your guns!
Our school does not have a recess and by the looks of things, most of Baltimore City Schools.
I have been fighting this battle for 3 years. It seems that schools are more focused in work, work, work, and no play.
Part of the problems with students (attitudes, violence, etc.), is they need an outlet.
According to the school there is not time in the schedule.
Would someone please post there schedule on the elementary level for me. I am looking for firepower.
Our schedule is:
Language arts (1 1/2 hours)
Math (1 1/2 hours)
Lunch 2 shifts (30 min)
Resouce (Computer Lab, Drama, Fine Arts, Library)45 min.
Science (45 min)
Social Studies (45 min.)
Time are estimated.
Please note:
2 years ago I was not involved in the school fully.
Last year I was a parent volunteer.
This year I am a parent volunteer, PTo officer, and a substitute teacher.
At our school the only recess kids get is during the lunch hour. They eat lunch for 25 minutes and then get recess for 25 minutes immediately after lunch. No other scheduled recesses during the day. If it is nice out they have P.E. outside once a week for 40 minutes.
Our K students have a 10 min. recess and 20 min. (They are on 1/2 day schedule). 1 - 5 get 15 min. morning, 20 min. lunch, and 15 min. afternoon. On days when a class has music, spanish, or library they lose one recess period.