This year at Kindergarten first day, we handed out a balloon with a poem attached to the parents. We had cookies for the kids and we took polaroid pictures of the kids with "their first day of Kindergarten" sign.
For registration, they got the same welcome package that the rest of the school did with a note to expect the surprises on the first day.
I know that we have a large number of PTA members who are kindergarten parents partly because of that.
We also have a PTO rep speak at the round-up and with the other materials the parents receive from the school we include one of our pamphlets(describes the programs and events we sponsor, talks about fundraiser, etc.) We also include a little note welcoming the parents and inviting them to attend our next meeting and our spring carnival this year and the Boo-Hoo breakfast and Open House in the fall.
Hi Bear
Typically at our Elementary school the President of the PTO is on hand during the Kindergarten Screening Day. In addition to the papers they receive they will receive one from PTO that says Welcome to our School! We are so glad to have you and look forward to your input in your childs education.... Usually the President will give a 2-3 minute overview verbally to the parents when the K teachers are in there as well. PTO is also on hand the first day of K orientation when the kids are toured around the school and the Principal goes over the days routine and expectations. We also host a Boo-Hoo Breakfast across the street for the first day K's get on the bus. We didn't want the parents in the school as our cafeteria is right next to 2 of our K rooms. So we have it at the Church across the street and the Mom's and Dad's come and commiserate with each other. We follow this up with a family picnic in September and Donuts with Dad in October. We have at least one PTO sponsored event per month. Our goal is to get the Parents BACK INTO THE SCHOOL BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!
I need to get togehter some kind of welcome package, booklet or letter to our new kindergarten partents to be handed out during registration. I have a few ideas, but need to see one to get started. If anyone has one they would like to share, I would appreciate if you could email it to me. Thanks :confused: