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Unique officer installation ceremonies

18 years 9 months ago #109107 by Jenn R.
Replied by Jenn R. on topic RE: Unique officer installation ceremonies
We do installation ceremonies at the election time. This is during our April General Assembly. Our slate of nominations has been posted for 30 days prior - then we hold our elections in April. We have always had a school board officer come and do our elections - they've been creative in performing the installation. This year since I was outgoing president I wanted to do something fun and different for the new set of parents coming onto the board for the fall. The candy bar thing was a big hit. In fact, our school district PTA President used the same speech at their incoming board elections.
18 years 9 months ago #109106 by shadow
Our school has never done installation ceremonies. When you do it, at the election or the first meeting of the year? Thanks, Stacey
18 years 9 months ago #109105 by Jenn R.
Replied by Jenn R. on topic RE: Unique officer installation ceremonies
Hi...a few weeks back I was searching this site looking for unique officer installation ideas and came across this thread. I thought I would share what we ended up doing at our elections thanks to those on this board who suggested some places to look.

here's what we did - maybe it will help someone else who is searching for the same thing:

To the Treasurer – I give you this “crunch” bar to represent all those numbers that will pass through your hands.

To the Secretary – I give you this box of “dots” candy to remind you to dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s when taking those monthly board meeting minutes.

To the Parliamentarian/Historian – I give you this “Hershey’s bar” to represent history and longevity. The classic chocolate bar has been around a long time – keep the history alive in this new board like I know you will.

To the Vice President of Membership – I give you these Good & Plenties to represent all the good members you will recruit in the fall. I know the numbers will be plentiful.

To the Vice President of Cultural Arts – I give you this “symphony” bar to represent all the wonderful programs you will bring to our amazing students.

To the Vice President of Fundraising – I give you this “payday” bar cause it’s up to you to raise the funds to accomplish all the goals you will have as a board. I know you can do it.

And lastly, to the President – I give you this “mounds” bar for the mounds of fun you will have and for the mounds of work it will take to lead this group of wonderful people to the next level here at our school.

I thank you for your commitment and I look forward to what the next school year will bring. Thank you!
18 years 10 months ago #109104 by raising stars
Replied by raising stars on topic RE: Unique officer installation ceremonies
wow installation ceremonies?? do PTA's really do this? lol ours apparently has not recived this memo yet. I recieved a phone call at the end of oct. asking me if i wnated to be the fundraiseing chairperson... i was like..your kidding right? you dont have one yet? sure i'll do it. our first "board meeting" for this school year was held in NOVEMBER! i was voted in at a general meeting in NOV. I am hopeing that this coming year things are different and we can actaully do things the way we should be. I guess i will find out soon enough huh?
18 years 10 months ago #109103 by my3strongtikes

Just wanted to say too that our school also has a school council similiar to yours. It consists of all the presidents from each school , our superintendent, teachers, principals. We all get together to discuss topics that are concerning the school, parents, pto, etc. We have accomplished and worked out a lot of new formats.
Hope it works our well for your school.

If you need any insight just hollar.


Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
18 years 10 months ago #109102 by my3strongtikes
I have to say we have always had installation ceremonies but they are somewhat dull and boring. We have a dinner at a local restaurant and then we all line up and are sworn in by the superindtendent. Nothing fancy or anything. We might play a game or something like that but nothing exciting.


Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
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