Last year a member made a pamphlet (we didn't have one at all) and it really wasn't very good but at least she tried ! I decided to try and improve it this year and would love copies of other PTO pamphlets, packets and surveys. Would you share with me too CoPrez and momi-o ???
Thank you so much !!
I just love this website !!
Judi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would love to have a copy of the packets! I have been asked to do our schools and need ideas. Thanks in advance! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We send out a packet of informaton. We got our idea from another school's website. It tells why parents should be involved, it speaks of why we fundraise and then we go into every area within the school in which you can volunteer. It ends with a checklist that the parents can check where they want to volunteer. Everyone HAS to return one whether they check anything or not. If anyone wants information, let me know. We've had some good responses from it. We also send an end of year survey to parents on how the year went.
I have gotten involved with PTO this year and took it upon myself to do a PTO Information Packet. It explained what our mission was and all the areas we are involved in (in detail). I called a local Office Depot and they agreed to donate 3 cases of paper for printing if we would insert coupons and an advertisement for their store. I can send you copies of the packet. It is not in pamphlet form (It is a total of 19 pages). We have gotten very positive feedback from the packet and newsletter (The Tiger Tracks). Hopes this helps!! [img]smile.gif[/img]
Our PTO sends home a packet at the beginning of the school year to all the parents. It includes a welcome letter, list of the Board Members and how to contact them, Our Parental Pledge/Volunteer form (we use project appleseed's pledge),a description of volunteer opportunities w/ approx commitment times, our PTO membership contest letter, our membership form w/ a parent survey on the back, & our fundraising events for the year w/ their dates. We paper clip the forms that need to be returned to the packet so the parents can keep their info. packets intact. It works great, we communicate all the PTO info. to parents at one time, and they don't have single sheets of paper constantly coming home. Any updates or changes are noted in the weekly school newletter, or the qtrly PTO newsletter. Hope this helps.
Originally posted by klwaters: Our principal suggested that I make a PTO pamplet that could be distributed to the new kindergarten parents. I am suppossing that it should include the purpose of the PTO, when we meet, what the dues are and such, but would any of you ever done anything like that? I would like to look at someone else's to get some ideas if I could. my e-mail is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kirsten Waters
PTO President
Sandy Hook Elementary school, KY