I agree, this is a great topic. Our situation is like Crystals - max of two terms unless approved by special vote.
I'm not Miss Popularity all the time, and I make my fair share of mistakes, but, like TheMetzyMom, I've worked really hard these last two years and it shows. Our Board has done wonderful things, and the Principal, teachers, and many of the officers would like me to go stay on as President.(Actually, the principal is willing to let up on the pressure if I run for school board instead. No way!!)
Anyway, I agree with all of you. On one hand, I too "am done" and it's time for someone else's turn. On the other, it's hard to let go of it all - especially when there's not a viable candidate waiting in the wings.
However (and this is just me, in my situation), I really think we should enforce the two year limits, if possible at our school. There are other great parents out there that will come forward. It's going to be hard to watch things change (at least if they regress), but so be it.
As "Past President" I'll still have a place on the Board, even if I don't take another office. I'm sure I'm going to have to bite my tongue a lot not to give too much advice, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
I work at a pretty challenging job, and my kids seem to be in every extra curricular activity on the planet. But, so far I've managed to find time for PTO (those 11pm-2am hours can be so productive...), and I think I still want to stay involved in another capacity. My goal is to wait for the dust to settle after nominations, see where the gaps are, and then figure out how else I might serve in a lessor role.
Good luck to all of you!