I am in need of some help from all of you, this is my first year in the HSA as the secretary, this is our first year since the early 90's that the HSA is back on track for the school, however, at our first rummage sale the v-president invited her friends over and let them buy many,many items for about 5 dollars ( keep in mind that each item was 1 dollar) so the HSA president decided to let it slip for now since it was our first event together, I found out yesterday that the money that we made from the sale was given to the bookeeper of the school to deposit into the HSA account, she did not give a receipt to the president for that money, so I was very upset about that ( our treasurer does not even care about her position , she was not even present during the sale or takes care of the funds, that is another problem, the treasurer, v-president are good friends) when the president asked the bookeeper for current bank statements and/or deposit slips she said NO, she would give us a spreadsheet only, what is that??? we are getting accredited this year so I am worried that the fact that I am an officer this year, that they are not following the bylaws, and that money is being given and passed around will get me in trouble, I have seriously thought about resigning because it is not right and I refuse to look the other way . What should I do ? we will have a meeting this Thursday and I will speak up about this whole mess to the school principal. we are a private, small ( 125 kids) poor Catholic school , so the fact that money is low for many in the school including the v-president worries me A LOT!!!I am mainly in charge of getting donations(monetary) from individuals that do not mind giving away lots of cash , so , what do I do? I was hoping that with monetary donations we would have access to the bank account and we should get bank statements to keep track of what we are bringing in . What do you guys think of this, what should I do? HELP!!!