When I was secretary, the jobs that I had were to take notes at every meeting, whether it was an executive board or regular PTO meeting. You want to make sure that you get the real important things especially, motions, discussions, decisions, and who made them. Upcoming dates etc. I also was responsible for the weekly newsletter, but this may be the responsiblity of someone on the school staff. I am currently the president of a new school's PTO and I would like my secretary to keep good notes and accurate minutes. She then gives me a copy, the other officers, principal. Keeps a log of all minutes and agendas, available at any time to anyone. As well as reading the minutes from the previous meetings at the current meeting, having printed copies available at the meetings. Check your by-laws, they may have a job description for you. Hope this helps, good luck. You will do great.
Help I have just accepted the secretary position for our PTO and I need help on things I need to do. I really want to do my best and I am really excited, but I really don't know what I need to be doing??? Any ideas!!!