After thinking about this more, I find myself asking Just What Is The Job Of A Parent Group?
Our mission statement says our job is to "encourage fundraising" so that we can provide extras for the school, things that they either can't afford or things not in the regular budget (almost the same I think it is possible for a parent group to be exactly what they are asking of you. If we didn't 'encourage fundraising', I think our mission statement would probably say more about volunteerism. I believe it should. A lot of groups complain bitterly that they are seen as 'just a checkbook' to their school. Sure there is more to it, but In Reality, that kind of sums it up.
We are currently facing an embezzlement issue that I am desparately trying to clean up. One of the items that the interim team I've assembled is doing is putting together a new Mission Statement. You can bet that it will read closer to what you are being offered than what it says now. I think that providing extras for the school is a noble cause, but I think supplying volunteers and tutors might be just a little more important. To me, paying for little Johnny to go to the zoo on a field trip is nice, but teaching little Johnny to read is more important. That is a little harsh of an example, but you know what I mean. I hope...
If your parent group didn't have to raise the funds, think of all the other things you could do. The only down side that I see is that you don't have to deal with fundraising so you don't get to decide where the money goes. And since the money is going to areas the school has previously approved, I think you have to trust that the school will handle the money correctly. At least you aren't being asked to raise the funds and then just hand them over for the school to spend as it pleases. Yes, that happens too.
There are other types of fundraising your group could do to support itself. Ink cartridges, Tyson Product Labels, General Mills BoxTops, Target Refunds, etc. Used wisely, maybe you can show your district just what your group can do. It won't be easy, but it can be done.
Just remember, lots of schools don't even have a parent group. Find a way for yours to work within the system provided and branch out from there. Volunteering to cover the events during the year, whether that event is a fundraiser or a field trip or a Book Fair, is EXACTLY what a parent group does. The only difference I really see is that your group doesn't personally get to decide where or what to spend the money on. You do get a member to sit on the board that decides and that is a good start.
Instead of looking at it like the district is throwing you a bone, look at it as a chance to make a non-monetary contribution to your school and show them what you can do. Think of it as a district wide parent/teacher/volunteer/district group. This sounds like a great way to get your group up and running without money hassles... Not a bad way to begin if you ask me.
Good Luck!
[ 07-02-2004, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: TheMetzyMom ]