coprez or c.brooks, can you please email a sample year end survey, email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you need a fax number let me know. thanks. mav
We are meeting tomorrow even though things aren't officially handed over until July. This way we will have a leg up. We already have our surveys tallied so all we have to do is start from there. We will talk about child care, meeting times/dates, fun day dates, and who will be in charge of what. I think our discussions will fall a lot on what our survey results are, there were several comments both positive and negative and I feel they will be very helpful in planning the new year.
We are meeting this week. (No rest for the weary!) We do an end of the year survey to the parents. Tabulate the results/comments. Discuss and start to schedule our year. If all goes well, it usually takes a meeting in June and one in July to finish planning (approx. 4 hrs.)