Good job Metzy! I don't think you are successful unless you have at least one person against you! (jealousy??)
I too am going into my second year as the Council Prez, same situation- 6 attendees, three board members but it was a landslide albeit a mini one.
If you are moving anywhere, it can't be NJ! They have gangsters there! [img]smile.gif[/img]
Come to Nevada instead. We're near Reno so the gangsters here are in LV, 8 hours away
Congrats Mez!
I'm keeping the title of Secretary again (4th year), not sure if I'm ready for Prez.
Congrats though!! Your elections sounds just like ours! As a matter of fact our Prez was eleced by write in, SO you and I can about expect what that phone call will be like!....I might just e-mail him first (yeah! a DAD!) rejection by e-mail is much easier.
Well, I was voted in as the 2004-2005 President of our PTVO (Parent Teacher Volunteer Group). It was not a landslide as there were only 6 members there, and 3 of them were current officers... and one of them didn't like the idea of my being the new pres, but the new pres I be~regardless... lol...
Congratulations to all the PTO/PTA Board members for the upcoming school year! Let's make it the greatest year yet!