I set up an e-mail "account" for our group on yahoo. I told the officers the username/password to see the messages (not that we've ever had any ), since they're the only ones who'd be responsible for answering them on the behalf of the group anyway.
We really want to set upa web page--any hints or "lessons learned" that you could pass along? Who to use (or not!) as a server, payments, what to have on the website.
I thought about asking for a hotmail account. In the past had put my personal email on EVERYTHING, I wondered if people didn't want to contact me there because they thought it was too personal(not because they just didn't care) and I also wondered if I set up a hotmail account as our PTO if that would help. If I am elected it would benefit me to have something I check from home, but I wouldn't be able to check that at the boys school AND if I could beg hard enough for the PTO to get their own account from the school's server I wouldn't be able to check it at home. I would mainly want it to use it to send out reminders and rope a few volunteers.
How many really needs to see emails? If you had a person designated you could put those who wanted to be contacted in the address book and forward everything that needed to be shared.
I just spent the last month fighting with too many companies about what could have happened to our e-mail and internet service. As you can see all was settled (until we get billed ) but in the meantime MY e-mail address is used for everything we do! I really want to ask the school to set-up an address for us but not sure what kind of details I should think about first.
The school has a website but it's...ssshhh...it's a joke. The PTO had an e-mail address a year or so ago but I think it was mainly an issue of trusting the gal sending messages/gossip...yay. Do I suggest a simple "Hotmail" account anyone can check, an address to the school?
I want to keep it simple.