You, I and a greater majority of the parents in my school are on the same page about this issue!
Our school district has to be one of the few that has very strict regulations in this area. I've heard from reliable sources they even turned down this great new score board in the highschool because the local realtor who was going to be sponsoring it (and at GREAT cost, I may add) wanted to have their name on the thing. I'm not sure WHAT is motivating this issue, though I suspect past, unknown to the public "unethical" bahvior may be playing a factor in it.
They claim they don't want the kids to be "used," but I find that weak. Our super did mention that with the local stuff it's not so much the advertising, but the potential Pandora's box it opens, with parents and relatives wanting to provide services for the school even though they may not be the best choice. THAT leads to the super and BOE having to turn people DOWN, and you know how well some people take that, especially if they can't recognize they're screwing the kids/school. Right now I'm in the process of working around the issue, and trying to find some give since it IS for a playground; it's not exactly a continuing thing.
I feel the same way as you--if someone is willing to lay out money for these kids, and especially large chunks, I have NO problem pointing out their generosity to people. We have had some parents with local businesses say that "it wouldn't be fair, we can't compete with the big boys," but EVERYONE would get "thanked," and a lot of times donations of things OTHER than money are of even greater value. And besides, we shouldn't accept money because someone happens to have more than others to give?
My VP is funny, her attitude is "if Pepsi wanted us to rename the TOWN Pepsiville and would eliminate our taxes if we did, I'd tell them to knock themselves out and call it Pepsiworld and make sure you spell my name right on the new tax assessment!"