One suggestion: consider acknowledging ALL past officers who are now "graduating" from your school, whether or not they were an officer this year. Some parents may not have been active for a few years due to who knows why, but they put in their time years back and probably still have a soft spot for the school. If their last child is now leaving the school, it's a nice, unexpected way to say a final thank you and wish them well.
We found our past officers by looking thru old minutes (no,there wasn't a nice history written down anywhere). Then it's pretty easy to figure out which ones have kids in grade 5 (our last grade) and then ask around to see if this is their youngest child.
Our entire PTO board is being replaced with new people. We are looking for ideas on how to acknowledge the outgoing board members.
So, we would love to hear any ideas or advice on what the rest of you do? Thanks!