All Robert's says as far as time frame is at least a week but as long as notice is given nothing has been done wrong, really. A little more time would have been nice though, I will agree there! But Menzy and Critter are (as always ) are on top of it!
If your bylaws are silent on the rules governing bylaw amendments, here's what Roberts Rules of Order says:
"...they may be amended by a two-thirds vote with previous notice..." It also says "Amendments may not exceed the scope of the notice." [Roberts Rules of Order by D. Patnode and Robert's Rules by D. Zimmerman, both available at Borders]
So....Major Robert insists that we all get notified before an amendment is voted, though he didn't specify a timeframe. And the amendment can't be re-amended at the meeting to make it substantially different from the notice sent out. And, 2/3 of the people in attendance must approve the amendment (hopefully you have a quorum in your bylaws so you need a minimum number of members present to vote on any business).
OK, that said, your Bylaws should specify that any matters not covered in the bylaws revert to Roberts Rules. If it's not spelled out, you can quote RRO all you want, and your officers need not listen. There are times like this when it's really nice to have an impartial resource like RRO to turn to for advice.
Check your bylaws. If it says nothing about a time frame, check to see if uncovered items revert to Roberts Rules of Conduct. If so, check there. If not, I think that it could be done. I would definately use the meeting to lay the foundation for future bylaw issues by having them spelled out and an ammendment that all future issues not covered by your bylaws revert to Roberts Rules of Conduct.
I just found out that Our PTO has schudule a Special Meeting to Change the Bylaws..The News Letter that will be sent home Monday advising of the meeting..Does the Committee have to give more then a few days notice the Meeting? It on the 1st of April..The changes they want to make will effect the Everyone...Please advise.. It states nothing about time frames in the present Bylaws