We perform two to three audits thru the school year and then one in the summer to close out the books. Our main purpose is to ensure the numbers balance and we have a trail for all money coming in and going out. We use four people and the treasurer and review all paper in monthly portions. It was a daunting task at first because for who knows how long, no checks were ever performed. Now it is a minor event.
I'm am a new to our schools PTO and have taken on the job of treasurer. Would it be possible for you to email a checklist? The training has not been too good and I question the bookkeeping. I couldn't tell you when the last audit took place. Thanks This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are not sure how to do an audit, and useful recources does not answer the questions for you might I suggest instead of investing in software you invest in a CPA.
An Audit is performed to ensure the activities of the organization follow certain guidelines, both statue law and your own rules; that others not involved in the management of the organization can feel assured that nothing out of order is going on. This is normally performed by a disinterested party. Software that performs this for you will only be as good as the data put into it. If a person wishes to cheat you dont put the data in, which sort of negates the purpose of an audit in the first place.
Sidney--my apologies if I'm off base here. But you've posted three times plugging this
software, which you can buy for an unknown price from a website (heavily geared to PTA, BTW) that's only been up and running for a few months. And their discussion forum has about 20 members (none named Sidney, although Cyndi seems to be the administrator...) and 20 posts, none more recent than about 45 days ago. So, I've got to wonder how many people this software has really helped out, and really what other kind of helpful audit and other information you can get from the site. I think your posts are a not-so-thinly veiled ad. Perhaps nonprofitcentral.biz should be buying a booth at the PTOToday convention instead?
Hi! I am the pres. this year and will be again next year.I am also in need of an audit form and just how to do it. WE have not had an audit for many years even though it states it is to be done yearly. Our treasure has left and the gal that stepped in did not make deposits very often. One deposit set in her home for over 3 weeks. I have kept on top of all the money during both of their terms so we are ok with out them. I would love it if you could email me one of your papers to do an audit. Your other forms have been a great help. Thanks! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.