Kim-Find your by-laws and give everyone on your board a copy and ask them all to look over it. Tell them if they have questions or concerns, or think they need revisions then you can discuss it in a meeting. You can tell them you just want to make sure they are updated and clear just in case a parent wants to see them or if they are needed for reference sometime. This way she won't look like she is being singled out or picked on, but maybe she will get the point.
[ 09-18-2003, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: C. Brooks ]
Been there, done that, and actually lived to tell about it! :cool: You now have the freedom of deciding what the responsibilities are with the input from your board. Create bylaws, make them somewhat vague and they can be tweaked every year by the executive board. The way we are set up is this:
President: Queen (okay, just joking), heads the meetings of both general and executive sessions, oversees all officers and committees, main liaison with the school administration and the school board, etc.
Vice President: Second in command, oversees PTO membership and fundraisers.
Treasurer: Oversees finances, chairs budget committee, main liaison with the school business manager.
Secretary: Takes minutes for both sessions, in charge of publicity and monthly newsletter, main liaison with school secretary.
And so on. Make it fit your group and your needs.
Good luck and keep up with this site for more information!
As far as rules. I have yet to see any set in stone rules. I would suggest to go and buy roberts rules of order. It will get you started with the general responsibilites of officers. Go to;=24;t=000661.
I'm sure you don't need that full address, but I don't know where to end it. Anyway, that website has some great information on officers and chair positions responsibilites. Are there any officers from past year you can talk to? Maybe a staff member went to a few meetings. Also I was introduced to another schools ptc president who has given me alot of great help. Try that and then read. read, read. There is great help on this website all over the place. Let me know if you need anymore help. I'm also new to this this year, but I've gotten alot of help also and I would be willing to pass any of it along to you.
I was just elected vice president of PTO. the school is in shambles from last year. we can not locate records from the previous year. I'm new to this as well as the president.can someone help me with the duties of the officers and where to go to get bylaws and rules