Thanks, it sound s like your PTO is setup like ours we have 5 elected positions, the Principal & two teacher reps. Part of the reason that parents were questioning a Board employee was that they felt he would be representing the board, like the Principal and the two teachers. But I guess since our bylaws read an employee of XYZ school, it is a little gray. The school (of course) is part of the Board and the is where some parents have a hard time understanding.
Does the person actually work at/for your school? I think their eligibility would depend on the wording. If the bylaws really say "employees of XYZ school", then I don't see how employees of the Board of Education would be prohibited (assuming the BOE is a different group, probably similar to our "school district".)
We don't allow school employees to serve in any our (5) elected offices. However, we have the Principal, Vice Principal, and two teacher reps on our board, so the school side is fully represented. Additionally, employees/teachers would not be prohibited from serving as a committee chair or any of the other many positions on our Board. We have 25-35 Board members, and there are only 5 positions an employee can't hold.
In our bylaws, I believe the language is something like "employees of XYZ school or those in a management posisition within the school district"
I am currently on a PTO board that did not have elections in the fall due to our Principal's health. We are holding the nominations currently but there is a great deal of parental bickering. In our bylaws we have a clause that reads employees of our school are not eligable for nomination to office. We currently have a parent running for an office (not the one I am running for) that is employed by the Board of Education for our school.Would that fall this nominating rule?