Can the officers or principal not drum up some prospects. (Atleast for PRESIDENT) In our PTO the Vice President automatically accepts the PRES. position the next year. This gives the Pres. some knowledge of things and ensures a pres. I am going to be PRes. of our group next year. Alot of our planning takes place during the summer and before school starts. I would hate to wait until school starts. Have you sent a note home telling all the parents of this dilema? Maybe that would be the nudge one of them needs to step up!!
We had no one sign up to be any position on the election ballot. We have decided since no one has signed up and we only have 6 days of school left that we would wait until the first meeting next year to hold elections and maybe grab some of the new to our school parents. Has anything like this happened to anyone and can someone suggest what to do if no one still wants to run next year. I cannot be an officer next year for personal medical reasons. (I'm leaving due to a terminal illness)