I'd like a copy of a letter to recruit nominees too. We are having a difficult time finding a VP. THanks. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am the chairman of our PTA nominating committee. I have sent out the group letter asking for volunteers and got nothing back. Our committee met tonight and we have some names of individuals I am going to contact directly. Does anyone have a copy of a letter you used to recruite nominees? Time is running short!
Our group allows a nomiee one week to accecpt or not a nomination. This is how it is written in our by-laws. Robert's Rules of Order really leaves it up to the "club" but if I remember correctly (ha!) a week is standard as you really don't want to give someone too much time to think about it. But don't feel you must have that parent wait a week to give an answer, if they can't or don't want to serve, and decline that night move on to the next nomiee.
We also have a small slip of paper having a parent write thier name, the office and a accept or decline (this helps when the dust clears later and you know exactly who wants to run for what- for the secretary's sake!)
Hope this helps...planning on running for Secretary myself in two weeks, just can't stay away!!
We are using a nominating committee, but were leaving it possible to have more than one person running for an office. The current officers don't know if they would like to do again, but will if no one stands in. That's where I think a problem could be.
Teebo, I have a couple of questions first. Do you not speak with your potential nominees before they are "officially" nominated at a meeting? How are your nominations done (i.e. through nominations committee, current officers, etc)? Do you nominate a full slate of officers with only one nominee per position?
I can't imagine nominating someone without speaking with them first to make sure they understand what the job entails & ensure their interest. This year we utilized a nominations committee (kind of - they didn't really use all the committee members who had expressed an interest) & I think it worked pretty well. Our PTO nominates a full slate only, with just one nominee per position. We try to avoid a popularity contest.
The last few years our PTO has been very lenant regarding the election process, but last year we were blindsided when someone decided to run unexpectadly, so this year we are trying to follow the bylaws. My questions is what happens if someone is nominated, but does not want to run. Do they have to decline right then or do they have time to consider before the actual election? Our bylaws indicate that nominations are in April and the election is in May. Any feedback would be appreciated.