Well we wanted to do the same thing as you are wanting to do for new enrollments and new kindergarten parents. One of the things we did was to make up a flyer stating who we were and what our purpose was. We listed some of the events we run throughout the year, told a little about our annual "Winter Wonderland" (which is a craft show/holiday shopping room for kids/great food room/pix with Santa/Tricky tray/etc...). We also put down when our meeting were and that we are always looking for new faces to join us. We listed the Executive Board. We mailed these home to the incoming kindergarten parents 2 weeks before school started. That was two years ago, since then we distribute them when we help out at the kindergarten orientation.
Another thing we did this year was to reach out to new students/families who transfer to our schools during the school year. We made up an information packet (stapled together). If I can remember correctly it states our name and purpose. There is a page regarding membership dues, a page listing all our committees and various events we hold throughout the year. We also included some newsletters we distributed during the year to give these newcomers a feel for what goes on.
When these new folks register in the office and are given all the forms to fill out and the school calendar, they are given this as well. It is pretty new and I haven't gotten any feedback yet. I figure the more information people get the better off they are. We want people to feel part of our schools and, hopefully, this will help.
I have been a Co President for 3 years now and one of my biggest priorities has been to get information out to people. There was very little communication before and the word around school was that it (HSA)was a big clique. Truthfully, before our board it was. Not any more! I started our newsletter 2 years ago. Gradually, we have added more, as mentioned above.
Try doing a little packet. Just get started with all the information you think you would want if you were new to your school. You sort of just get going and before you know it, you have made a packet up. Good luck!