First COMB OVER your by-laws AND the school's policies concerning fundraising/profits/benificiaries ANYTHING that pertains to your group granted you have time or you may have to by some time and reschedual as you need info to bad your concerns!. NEXT I would even want the school districts take on this matter as the school may say "We follow the district's policy". What am I doing? I would want to see you sit down with her with a Super soaker water gun than a little hand held that will only make her damp and more mad.
For you I have said this before, buy a pack of gum for yourself [img]smile.gif[/img] now, think about how you would handle this if the neighbor kid broke your window, we WANT to yell at the little "angel" but we clamly talk to them and their parents. You must reach DEEP in your gut and find the strength to let this gal know she can not morally keep or accept a commission from the children's programs we are raising this money for. "as you see hear in our bylaws/school policy/or even the district does not allow the chair or advisor to profit from a fundraiser. A t-shirt, bag, other small trinket item I would see as no big deal BUT cash is cause for questions is this person really to answer if twenty parents find out and question her actions.
If you want her out, it helps to have a supporting group of parents behind you on this one. A letter from all the parents, signed by them too, asking for her to resign is a sfe way to go but make sure you have someone to take her spot that night.
Just keep this to heart, you go in with a sword and flaming torches you will not get anywhere with her. I will say this again, find it in your gut to stay calm and focused, the minute she becomes "mean" YOU STAND UP AND LEAVE THE ROOM! The minute you start to yell back or go to her level you have just lost to her. You are better than that and should not have to tolerate being yelled at. Have your questions in front of you on paper, what kind of commission are you recieving? are you going to donate this to the group or add it to the net profit of the sales? Do not let your self get personnal! (Well MY family could use the cash too but I wouldn't do that! ---NO NO NO!! your going to think it BUT DON"T SAY IT!!)
it is going to be the meantime stay strong.