How Community Organizations Use the Scouting Program
Schools, community and religious organizations, with the help of the BSA, organize Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, Venturer crews, and Learning for Life groups for children and youth. They manage these units and control the program of activities to support the goals and objectives of the chartered organizations. When community organizations establish a new unit, they must take these two important actions to ensure a quality Scouting program:
Selecting leadership. The head of the chartered organization appoints a chartered organization representative to provide leadership in the selection of a committee of adults that will provide overall supervision for the unit's program. The committee selects the adult unit leaders who will work with the youth. The chartered organization representative is also a voting member of the local council and may serve as a member of the district committee.
Providing a meeting place and promoting a good program.The chartered organization arranges for adequate meeting facilities for the unit and promotes through its committee the full use of the program, including outdoor experiences, advancement, recognitions, and, in particular, Scouting's values.
Taken directly from the
Boy Scouts of America Website
concerning the BSA and community groups.
In our area, any Boy/Girl Scout Troop is sponsored by the local churches. As another poster stated on different thread recently, it just doesn't seem likely that a Parent Group could fulfill the requirements as stated in the charter. ie providing a meeting place, and ensuring "overall supervision for the units programs" Indeed sponsoring a unit is quite a bit more than "just to have a name backing the scouts"
I also agree with mykidsmom, what happens to girl scouts, boys & girls club, big bros/sis? How do you say yes to one and no to another? I think it sets a precedent, and you run the possibility of public perception as a fratenal organization for the community than a parent group for your school. And thats a whole other can of worms.
Bqack to the original poster, the church , more than likely was negligent in #1 as above. And that is where you run into the risk.
Just my opinion.