We do things a little differently, although I don't know if that's a good thing or not!
The only involvement the PTO has "in" the classroom is for the 2 parties held each year. Halloween and Valentine's. (the school doesn't allow any other holiday celebration because of "religous beliefs", although personally, Halloween also would fall under this catagory, but let's not go there [img]smile.gif[/img] ). We hold sign ups during the monthly meeting that holiday falls on. This year we were only allow 2 parents for each room to help for Valentine's Day and 4 parents for Halloween. This did not go over well, but I had no say in the matter. That was the principals request.
The PTO provides the treats for all the classrooms. This is usually pizza and a drink. In the past, a few parents would go all out in their child's room and the principal put a stop to that. He felt it was not fair to other classrooms and that it made the other students feel bad that they didn't get to have the same things. You would be amazed at what some parents would bring in!
Anything else that goes on in the classrooms is done by the teachers. The PTO is not involved in this. It is up to the teacher to decide who she would like in her room to help.
I too would be interested in how others handle this. I have had a lot of complaints about having the sign up at the meetings, but I don't know how else to make it fair. I don't think it is fair to allow someone who has done very little to help with PTO activities all year, to be allowed to help with the parties over someone that has put in many hours into the PTO. The school as a whole does not have many opportunities for parents to help out in the classroom. If you don't have a teacher that likes to have parents come in and help, then the only time you get to do so, is for parties. I just don't know of a way to do it so it is fair for everyone. We also have field trips coming up where we need parent chaperones! Boy is this a nightmare! Sign ups will be at the next meeting, (which is a morning meeting), and after those in attendence that would like to go, sign up, then any openings are opened to the other members not in attendence. We allow 10 parents for each classroom, so most of the time, everyone that would like to go, gets too. Once in awhile it will come down to who help the most throughout the year.
If someone has a system that really works for them, please let me know! I am looking for anything that would make my job easier! I
hate having to tell a parent they can't attend!