momto5- Don't be discouraged yet. It always seems that we won't have the volunteers needed to successfully do our projects. In the end they seem to just show up and start helping. We found out that they don't always sign up for it. A lot of people don't know their schedule that far in advance, so they don't commit to it. It's always a nice suprise when we get unexpected help.
I agree. I am in charge of the carnival for this year. I had a committee meeting. I sent a flyer with my name, phone #, date and time. Guess how many people came to help and be on the carnival committee? NO ONE. I am the committee I guess. Like what was said earlier I am in control and I don't have to worry about someone else not doing their job.
One problem we had a few years back is that volunteers would purchase items for events(decorations),and turn in the receipts to the treasurer without conversing with the chairperson. (They also used a ton of manhours) This put the chairperson way over their budget, and had people frazzled. It is now stated in our by-laws that all purchases need to be cleared with the chairperson before a volunteer is reimbursed. That said,as a chairperson I am a little leary sometimes of letting go of some tasks. I would love someone else to be in charge of decorations on an upcoming event, however I really want to be careful on how much is spent. I want to keep the funds and volunteer hours simple and manageable (not overwhelming). It is hard to let go and find a balance.
I agree as well. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who would rather do it myself to make sure it gets done, and now I'm buried under a lot of longterm projects with no escape in sight! I have to admit, though, that we've had a lot more participation this year from parents since our school decided to make families 'commit' to 10 Involvement Hours per year. It has made a tremendous difference.
I agree. Too bad the people that need to read that won't. I know how you feel. When I logged on, the next topic was something about a "control freak" and I know there are extremes, but sometimes taking over and doing it your way, does work out for the best. The only thing I've found though, is you don't have much enthusiasm from others because they just weren't involved. Good Luck and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
I am hearing a lot of 'worker bees' having issues with the parents who are backing out and/or not showing up for functions. I am also hearing complaints of parents who would help if not for the committe chairs/officers/etc. being rude. After participating/reading a number of the posts on this discussion string, I find it necessary to repeat a bit of advice received from a good friend of my. Here goes:
Volunteering is optional, but once you actually volunteer, a committment has been made.
This may sound harsh and make people not want to help, but if you think about it, you'll find a harsh reality in why some go-getters act the way they do or like to complete projects alone. This way they know it gets done. The volunteer that comes upon a deadline and inform you 'I just didn't have time' are more trouble to cover for than just doing things your own way. Yes, I have been burned many times. If only people would follow the above advice, I think a solution to some of the bickering would be at hand.