The downside is if you put on your website that you made $5000 at carnival, you make it more wothwhile for a thief to take a chance at your next fundraiser. We had $3000 stolen out of a locked file cabinet on the turn-in day for Jump Rope for Heart. Consequently, we have been very wary of advertising specific amounts being raised for any one activity. If parents want the financial info, we mail it or make it available at the PTO meeting. Who else has a legitimate use for that info?
We don't have a website so I don't have to worry about this. But my question is. Why can't you put a statement on there. I'm not saying scan the bank statement in, but what's wrong with just jotting down something with the beginning balance, what was spent and what it was spent on, and what was brought in.
If you want to post financial info for your members only, you can set up a password system to access that page only. I don't post financial stuff on-line, but the password would make it safer.
I never transmit via any web page or through e-mail any financials. If they are reviewed in the meetings and are available for members wanting to see them, then I say leave it off the net / e-mail.
Our school has a wonderful website and they post information about all aspects of the school. Every week they include the current issue of our school newsletter and we going to have the monthly PTO minutes included as well. My question is this...what about the financial aspects of our organization? I'm hesitant to include our treasurer's report or any fundraising reports in this. I want our parents and staff to know how things are going, but not the "world". What is your take on this? What does your school do?
PS: If you want to check out our website it is