Could I also get a copy of the "how to" set up a budget? My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our PTO has never used an operating budget or by-laws. I've developed by-laws that hopefully will be voted in at our meeting tonight.
The next step will be the budget . . . and this "how to" sounds like a good starting point.
Renee - If you send me an email, and are interested, I can send you a "how to" guide for setting up a PTO budget.
Our Bylaws are silent on the expectations of spending at the committee level. I suppose since we have budgets for all the committees, that provides our chair people their financial guidelines.
We do have a clause that allows the Executive Board by majority vote (not just the President) to approve unbudgeted expenses up to $100 without a vote of the members. This provides the Exec Bd the power to approve special spending requests in between our monthly meetings. The $100 limit keeps it under control.
I will be holding an executive board meeting in regards to our new budget. Our PTO has never done this officially. Only our treasurer gave an amount that the chairman would have to work with.
My question is this, is there an amount that is budgeted to the executive board/president for emergencies or if something comes up?
Most of our money is put into the "general fund". We really only earmark our lollipop and bake sales for lowering the cost of our yearbook.
Do your bylaws have anything in regards to someone from the executive board spending money within reason?