Thanks for the advice, our open house is tonight so I am hoping more parents will become involved. Plus, we are eniticing parents to stop by our table with fresh baked goodies...I have found if you have food they will come
By the time parents get to the Middle School, the concept of a PTO can't be new. So.....
We do a summer mass mailing to all families about 2 weeks or so before school starts. Included in this is: a welcoming letter from the PTO President that talks about the PTO purpose, encouraging people to volunteer and become members, dates to note soon after school starts, etc.... also included is our tri-fold "calendar" that lists all the faculty & staff, all the PTO executive board & committee chairs (w/ phone numbers) and a calendar of events for the year. our membership committee had a membership "form" (described the PTO purpose some more, etc...). our fall family festival committee included a flyer about the annual event to request volunteers and make sure people noted that date on their calendars. lets see... we also had information about our parent networking agreements (see the thread on Red Ribbon Week, I described it more there).. and a form to parents to sign. For the school, we included a sheet on bus stuff and a letter from the Principal.
At Parent Night (like Open House, only no kids) which is always held within the 1st two weeks of school.... we ask room parents to say a few words in the homeroom sessions to encourage membership (we stopped asking the teachers to hand out, they have enough paper that night). We get some of our more mature kids to "man" the membership table in the lobby... we probably had close to 200 people sign up that night.
Usually we include the membership form etc... in one or two of the school weekly take-home too.
Geesh... my fingers ran away with me... hope this gives you some ideas. even if you don't do a "summer mailing" .... you might want to consider a "fall mailing"... all works to the same end.
I am third year pres. of PTO at my daughters school. The first year when I tried to make sure the parents got their forms turn back in, so I knew the parents had gotten it I tried something like this. I had lunch bags full of goodies like hershey candy bars (mini), gum, pencils etc. Did get a few more, but nothing like I thought I would. To answer your question it doesn't hurt to try what you suggest. It may work for you. I spent $35.00+ on the "bags" and decided it just wasn't worth it.
Beside's being a third year PTO president at my middle child's elementary school I am now starting out at my oldest's middle school PTO. Last year was their first year and they seem to be floundering, a big problem I'm told is getting the info out to the parents. I have come up with an idea that may help, but wanted to see if any of you have tried it...what if: The PTO prepared a newsletter for the parents explaining their goals and what not along with a membership form and asked the homeroom teachers to distribute it and give the kids who brought back a signed form from their parent that they read the material (even if they do not join) some extra credit points, suckers or any kind of incentive. It is just an idea....what do you wonderful people think??