Your Bylaws should hold your answers as to what Officer Duties are. Our Treasurer last year was a teacher, so I tried to make her life as easy as possible, handling as much treasury work as I could. She kept the books, kept me informed as to the 'bottom line' and I counted money and deposited it.
I am of the opinion that the more committees the better so as to give everyone a chance to help out as well as to get more accomplished. Of course, I don't mean to the point where everyone is over-loaded, including the officers. Last year, for the first time, I put the officers (myself and 3 veeps-don't in the position of overseeing each committee. Each committee was, in actuality, chaired by an officer who could delegate as needed. I chose to "oversee" my committees, but to have an actual Chair (not myself) for each one. The only one I remained as Chair on was Fundraising.
As to the paper... Paper is not free, even the preschool paper costs money. Someone somewhere is paying for it. Your group should be paying for it's own paper. The expense of that paper is up to your group. It is not uncommon for a group to have 'special' paper, but again, it is up to your group to define 'special'. Our group uses 'PTVO PINK', which is a bright cherry color. The school never orders this color, so that when people see it, staff or parents, they know automatically that it is something from PTVO. I believe our paper runs right at $60 for a case. We've used about 2 cases a year in the past. I know that the IRS has something very specific to say about how much of a non-profit organization's budget can be used on administrative costs, but the figure escapes me just now. One of the things I did to cut paper costs AND still have a nice border/letter head, was to use my computer. There are so many clip-art and border programsout there that it was easy just to create one, do the letters on the computer, print one and then copy it onto the pink paper, using my computer generated copy as the original. This offers a lot of freedom, a lot of choices, no additional costs, looks great and is less filling... lol ... wait, this is turning into a beer commercial... lol ... gotta fly!
Good Luck!