We alternate between daytime meetings and night times meetings. This works out to be about 3 or 4 night meetings a year. The off months have other night time activities, like Open House, or Spaghetti Dinner. The night meetings are more formal and are more for updating or for important votes. There is a core group of parents that attend all meetings, and then a very different group that attends either the day, but not the night, and vice versa. We think this makes it available to everyone, and frankly, the teachers don't attend unless requested. (Something we're working on). I don't see regular monthly attendance except from the core group anyway, and we stress the need to attend when it comes up since it's not necessarily available every month to the same people. Just trying to please everybody!!
This was also suggested in our group. However, check your Articles of Association and Bylaws. Ours state we meet once a month and also that everything must be approved by the members by a vote. So, we continue to meet monthly.
After reading of other PTO's dropping monthly meetings, due to lack of attendance, we decided to do just that. We tracked our attendance from the past two years. This showed an average of 5-6 attendees (this includes principal, teachers, parents)not including the PTO board. Our teachers weren't even attending until given comp time from the principal. So, we thought we would drop the monthly meetings down to three big meetings per year (kickoff, mid-year, recognition)
Anyone out there who has done this... do you have any logistics advice? ie: funding requests, communication, etc.