Thank you so much for responding! The majority of the exec bd committee sees the prez as the cause of a lot of misinformation and miscommunication, and they do not trust her. We are hoping that she does step down, and a few of us have even suggested it to her recently. I am not familiar with a local PTO council. Would we have one? You see, once again, none of this information is available to the PTO members. Where would I look to see if we have a PTO council in my area (New Jersey)...?? Thanks for all your help!!
We had problems last year w/ our president also and then she resigned mid way thru the year.. We lucked out.
Have you all as a board tried talking to her? Maybe the school principal can talk to her also??
Check w/ your local PTA/PTO council and see what they suggest.
Also, if all the other board members are feeling the same way as you I know as a PTA we could as her to resign then if she chooses not to we can make a motion and then put it to all membership for approval of IMPEACHEMENT!!!
Our president needs to go. Everyone else seems to be on the same page, but our president seems to think that she can vote one way at the meetings, then turn around and do something else. She is a "yes man" -- to the PTO, the superintendant, or anyone -- and she has lost the respect and trust of the other executive members. She goes along with things at meetings, voting yes, along with the rest of us, then later does what she wants. There is nothing in our By-laws about under what conditions a person could be removed from a position. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?? I would appreciate any insight you all could give. Thank you!!