You mentioned that new information is coming on possibly lower insurance rates for PTO's. Have you heard any more on this? We are a new PTSO and will be needing insurance before school starts in August. Thanks CLR
If we have liability coverage, can they still go after the officers and their assets, though? Perhaps Mr. Nuccio or someone with an insurance background could answer this for me. The officer's liability policy seems to be more cost prohibitive than does the general liability option.
I do know from past working with different organizations. If something were to happen at a event sponsored by the organization. They can sue each officer and get a hold of any personal assetts. Now, if it is a school sponsored event then it's the school district. I would not be in any organization that didn't carry any insurance on officers or liability. It's just not worth the risk. Now days, there are people just looking for something to sue over. Sad but true.
I need to present to our PTO at tonight's meeting (yes - I procrastinate!) which insurance coverage we should get. Just taking an informal survey. I've read all the stories about PTO board members absconding with the kids' money (shame on them!). Do you guys think that PTOs should have directors and officers liability insurance? (If I didn't trust these people I wouldn't work with them, right?) Any experience with the property insurance policies - or is liability enough. Our district has no guidelines as to what we are required to carry - they said if we don't want to we don't have to get any - but I'm to the right of center on the paranoid scale. Any help you can offer will be appreciated. :confused: