Ok, New Question,
can anyone out there who runs a PTSO (which I am guessing stands for Parent Teacher Student Org.)
Tell me how it works including students? Do we need to change bylaws, or do you have the clause stating their involvement? Does it affect the Student council at all? Maybe if we were to amend our bylaws to include students, we could get around all the problems we are having.
Our Superintendent, does not believe in fundraisers at all, and is now totally shutting us down on a lot of things however, we will not go away like she is hoping, we can fight for our Childrens education forever, and she will not win this one. Sorry I got on my soapbox, but it has been really frustrating. Thanks alot. If anyone has anything, they could email me, my email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks In Advance [img]smile.gif[/img] :confused: