I am a Form Creating Master! LOL!!! As a matter of fact, I just created this very form for our school. I can only give you an idea of what it looks like in this space, so it will be up to you to make it work in actual size.
ITEM REQUESTED__________________________________
Date Requested__________________________________
Requested By: __________________________________
Requested For:__________________________________
Estimate #1:____________________________________
Store where estimate obtained:__________________
Phone and Contact Name:_________________________
Estimate #2:_____________________________________
Store where estimate obtained:___________________
Phone and Contact Name:__________________________
Estimate #3:_____________________________________
Store where estimate obtained:___________________
Phone and Contact Name:__________________________
(This is for your Board, or whomever needs to authorize something. We have 4 Officers, and someone must get 3 out of 4 to sign for items under $150. For items over $150, it has to go to a membership vote. For those requests, I put them on the agenda to speak, so that the vote will be included in the monthly minutes).
President (all items need this signature) Date
Vice President Date
Treasurer (all items need this signature) Date
Secretary Date
I hope this helps, even if it just gives you an idea of your own.