Our PTA by-laws say you can serve two two-year terms. This is my first yeaer in my second term and after next year, I can't see myself wanting to do it for another two years.
We have two year limits on officers and committee chairs. This can be overridden by 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. I personally think this is a good policy to enforce if possible. No matter how well meaning, when you get an officer (especially president) who serves for 3, 4, 5 years it can often look like the organization isn't open to "new blood". (I know - frequently not true, and not fair - but it is often what people believe.) But I think it's also important to have the ability to override this rule if you really need to.
Hello, our bylaws state that we are elected for to years and if elected again can serve. I am completing my 2nd 2 year term and I am ready to move on. Of course, there is nothing but parent votes stopping me from being elected again except that I would turn down any nomination.
Does your organization impose term limitations on its officers and if so, how long (eg, 2 years)? Or, do you allow terms without limitations? Reason for my asking: my 2-year term as president ends this spring. Several volunteers & the school's principle would like for me to continue serving, and I am willing to do so -- if I am allowed. Thus, we're trying to determine the best course of action to take (bylaws amendment, etc.). As part of this effort, we wanted to get a feel for what others do. Thanks for your feedback! (We're a K-5 school with 350 students in Central Va. & are blessed with a wealth of active volunteers.)