Tim - This seems to be quite a popular string. Can you facilitate some general "depository" where we could email our samples and then everyone could have a place to look? It'd be best if the "depository" was organized by form type. (i.e. event report, treasurer aides, constitution, bylaws, calendars, etc.)
What we do is give the chairperson of the event a folder and ask them to keep any information. We just started this year and it is doing rather well. I'm the new president so I had nothing to base events on, and I told them it would make things easier in the future. We didn't really have and special form.
We have an Event Form. Would be happy to share it, but not quite sure how to go about it. I could e-mail it to each of you as an attachment, but you need to give me your e-mail address. Let me know.
I could use some forms like that to, we have our carnival coming up in April.Please email me,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you