Our mission statement -- The purpose of the PTO is to stregthen the relationship between home and school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate for the success in the education of children at our school.
Our group helps the staff AND students of our school. That's our group. Our Principal is different, I also have a sister-in-law that is a Principal and veiws her parent group as a way to make her school better all around.
I'm sorry to hear you walked away though. Don't get me wrong, I have my letter typed and on disc but I suppose I figure I have a few months left.
After serving on my children's PTO for approximately 12 years with growing responsibilities and holding the office of Vice President and President in recent years I have seen a great change. We are a very small public school with a population of app. 200 students. In the course of my 12 year involvement we have had four different principals. We have had our most recent principal come to our school last school year. Lots of things have changed. I have stepped away from the PTO this year after having a very stressful relationship with our current principal. I make no issues about it----
I am a child adovate and view the purpose of the PTO is for the children. I have recently been informed that the new purpose for the PTO is not the children, but the school. The thought is if you keep the principal happy, she keeps the teachers happy and it is triple down effect to the students. Please help me? What is your schools theory?