Last month we honestly had a 5 minute meeting because the VP and myself the Prz were THE only ones to show! Our meeting was posted in out newsletter and the school's yet we started at six and adjourned at 6:05! Our wonderful by-laws state we need quorum of 4 board members at our board meeting but nothing about member meeting!
Where was the Sec? Good question and I'm still trying to answer that but her phone has been disconnected aswell as her e-mail at work! We have no Tres. this year.
Help. If there is help out there! It's just outta 900+ students in a K-12 school the lack of intrest is beyond disappointing.
If anything, thank you for letting me vent just really looking forward to this Spring yet really nervous since we are planning 2 big fundraisers with no one interested in helping! AAAAGGGHHHHH!