We did a survey last year to indicate interest areas for PTO focus, decide if we should have more general meetings, and to see what kind of event they preferred (weekend carnival or evening auction/bingo/dance).
We added incentives to increase response by holding a drawing. We placed clear plastic gallon jar brightly labeled prominently displayed in the office. As children submitted a completed survey to staff, they received a blank ticket - hot pink - to fill out and put in the drawing. (You will get better data, if the survey's are anonymous - or if providing name is voluntary - so you have to trade the survey for a ticket.) After the deadline, 12 names were drawn to join the Vice Principal for an ice cream sundae party. This went over very well with the students and we had good participation.
Can anyone help us? We trying to develop a survey to determine what the majority of the school population believe to be the most important issues requiring PTO funds. The survey will be sent home with all students and distributed to the teachers/staff as well. We aren't quite sure how to proceed...should we list specific items which we have discussed (purchase of chairs for the cafeteria, playground improvements, etc.) or simply include categories (capital improvements, etc.)? We will ask that people rank the order of importance/priority. Have any of your PTOs ever done something similar to this? If so I would really appreciate it if you would email me a copy. Thank You