I am the VP of a middle school PTO. My best friend is the Pres. We took over the positions a year ago. The PTO was run very unorganized, and did not do many events. Only the one "Candy" fundraiser and pay for refreshments, and hold the meetings once a month, which nothing was discussed since the PTO did not do events. My friend and I would like to get the family and students more envolved together. The new Principle and Vice Principle are totally for a PTO and the ways we are thinking (spag. dinners, fairs, etc); the problem is the rest of the officers that were in the old PTO. Which only consist of a secretary, treasury and another lady. The Treasury is burnt out, but still wants to continue with the PTO and treasury but doesn't really agree with our new, fresh ideas. NO budget is set up, she has no clue how to begin! what a mess! How do I and my friend wrap our arms around this and get it organized? We want more family involvement so we (me and my friend) are doing a fall harvest, and we got a great response so far. to get parents/kids/ teachers together for a night of fun. We will have sign up sheets for more committee members to help us out. ANY SUGGESTIONS??