WE have a hospitality committee as well. Unfortunately we are currently without a chair. Our committee should provide cookies and punch at Open House and and an event in the spring. They also provide our staff with a luncheon before Christmas and the week of Teacher Appreciations week.
We have a Hospitality Committee, that takes care of functions. Our cooresponding secretary takes care of cards and flowers.
We started a new committee last year called "Friends in Need" thst coordinates meals, babysitting etc. for families in a crisis.
We have a "Hospitality" chair. They are asked to coordinate things like the parents coffee social on the first day of school.
I am used to "Sunshine" people being more involved with families that have dark clouds in their life. To a certain extent, the "Gifts and Memorials" chair is responsible for this. Their job includes things like flowers to hospitals and funerals.
A couple years back we had a family lose a child to SIDS. Families from school provided meals and such for the next few weeks. This is also the sort of thing a "Sunshine" person might be called upon to handle. I think that case was handled on an ad hoc basis, as a family friend took it upon themselves to coordinate the effort.
Anyway, I think you've got a couple of very different job descriptions going here. What we call "Hospitality" is a job a lot of people can do. What I call "Sunshine" is a job that would scare off a lot of people, but the person who really wants the job is often the one who will do a very good job.
We have a hospitality coordinator. The job is basically to have food and drinks at the PTO meetings, coffee etc at kindergaten registration and a few other events that parents attend.
An officer of the organization usually takes care of gifts and the like.