Our secretary actually records the meeting with an audio cassette recorder....she also uses a laptop, so she really takes copious notes and has minutes that are quite thorough. I once even joked that reading the minutes was even more informative than actually being there sometimes, since I tended to make wisecracks to my neighbors and would miss things.
Thank you, ScoobyDoo and MightyJo, for your insights and advice. Last night was the meeting, and I did use your recommendations. I'm excited to say that it went well. Thank you both for your boost of confidence. You really helped me out! I was about to give up the post as secretary, but I think I'll hang on to it...I kinda' like it.
Thank you, ScoobyDoo, for your helpful suggestions. I am going to use your idea of numbering things and writing on a separate piece of paper, as well as sticking to just the facts. I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed, but your optimism helped me over that hurdle. I guess if I can take notes in college, then I can manage a PTO meeting, right? Good advice: note the time the meeting began, who attended, and when it adjourned. Thank you for your insight and vote of confidence! I greatly appreciate it!
What I usually do is to take the agenda and number or letter it, then on a blank piece of paper I write the letter and the fact of the discussion about that topic. I usually only write the facts, because our meetings can have quite a few smart aleck comments!!Just remember to make sure you have notes of each motion that was passed, who made and seconded the motion and the final vote. And also write down the time the meeting was brought to order, who was present and when it was adjourned. It is really not that hard!! If I can do it, I think anyone can!! Good Luck!!