please send us a copy of your volunteer form. We are struggling with getting more than a handful of volunteers. Thanks
Mimi SKapek - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think you are very right about explaining to them what it is your wanting them to volunteer for. We are try to come up with a volunteer form such as the one you are talking about. Would you mind emailing me a copy of yours for ideas?
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One of our main goals this year is to get some new volunteers. We have sent out a three page volunteer list. This list includes a brief description of each event or program and specific ways to help out. The parents can check the various lines of what areas of volunteerism interests them. Also at the bottom(along with name and phone number) is a space for the parents to write in their special talents. These flyers are then turned in to our volunteer co-ordinator who then distributes the appropriate information to the various chair persons. We have quite a few parents turning in these forms wanting to help. I think the key is giving a discription of the event/program and being specific of help needed. If you just say we need volunteers the parents look at you with a blank stare. The special talents spot has proven to be quite useful. We are finding that we have parents who are master gardeners, story tellers, love to act-do skits,sew, ect. This information would not have come forth in a general list.