We try to pay everything we can directly with a check to the supplier, especially big items. However, we do reimburse when necessary. On committees, if the check can't be made out to the supplier, then the committee person submits a reimbursement request form with receipts after the fact (but it has to be for budgeted items). Sometimes for large items like equipment, we've had to use a credit card (usually mine) when something like shipping charges couldn't be determined precisely in advance. But this is only on items that we've voted on and specfically agreed to purchase, identified the source, the cost,etc. Again, the person would submit the form with receipts. About the only time we proactively supply cash is when we seed a cash box with change for an event. I suppose if we had a committee chair who needed a cash advance, we'd figure something out, but we've never had anyone ask. PTOTreasurer2 seems to have a good approach for this.
We give in increments of $200, a check written to chairperson. Additional money given after reciepts are turned in. There has to be some kind of checks and balances. If other anyone else does this differently please respond.
I would like to know how your treasurers gives out money after an item or event has been approved. Is a check written out to the chairperson of the event? We usually just reimburse for small purchases, but I'm unsure about events with cost between $250 - $1,000. Thanks for any advise.