Our PTA had it's first Exectitve Board meeting last night and it was, in my mind, very discouraging! As the President I have already had a couple of run ins with the Principal trying to control us. In her words, the PTA is merely there to raise funds to supplement the schools budget. But last night took the cake! She walked into our meeting and took charge! While discussing the budget she demanded $4,000.00 minimum for playground equipment (we have already earmarked $8,000.00 from the last two years for this), $4,000.00 for Accelerated Reader Program, $2,000.00 for assemblies, and $2,000.00 for publications!!!! She would allow for no discussion, she was not willing to bend. And to top that off the 2 officers from the state PTA, who came to the meeting to help us, said nothing to advocate for our PTA, they just allowed her to come in and take over!
The last PTA was her fundraising Entity! There were no PTA programs, which is where this money needs to go in the first place!!! Our entire budget is slated for the school and programs that I feel they should be getting at least some money from their own budget for. All that is wanted from our PTA is that we do the foot work of raising the money and the school and principal spends it! Are PTA's/PTO's responsible for shouldering the entire amount needed for playground equipment? Is there really no money out there for this from the gov't, grants, school board, parks and rec? I thought that money raised by parent orgs was to be used mostly to support PTA/PTO programs. I agree that helping the school meet the goal of purchasing new equipment is a good one, our school needs it, but must we do this completely on our own!
I'm also frustrated about this teacher reimbursement stuff. Our teachers only come to PTA events when they want something. Other than that I really don't feel supported by them. So must we just hand over to them each year money! The principal says if we do not we will have angry teachers. But I think for the school to count on this money every year and to budget for it is inexcusable. This should be a year by year thing that we vote on within the PTA membership. This year I wanted to start a program where they could earn reimbursement money by coming to meetings and volunteering at PTA events. That way encouraging them to take an interest in and support the PTA. The principal won't let this happen! She was so angry with me when I suggested this! I don't want to take money away from them but when it is expected, even demanded, and then called a "gift" I can't help but feel a little upset.
It's not only the money, but she wants to control PTA period! If we brought up ideas for new programs she put up the roadblock! She even had the gull to tell everyone there that I had told her that the meeting was to only last an hour when I had said no such thing! I knew a couple of weeks ago that the meeting was going to take at least 2 hours and would not have told her differently! She basically used that to make me look like I was being uncooperative. She also told us that she wanted us to consult her with on dates (which is a good thing) but when it comes to her setting dates she does not consult us! She had scheduled the dates for all the rollerskating parties but never told us when they were or gave us input!
And I beleive that if I'm out there volunteering my time to raise money I think I should have some say as to where the money goes! But we are told that we will have no say in the choices of assemblies, Accelerated Reader books, and playground equipment.
There is more and I could go on and on......Help!!!!!!!