In our PTA, anyone (business representatives, teachers, grandparents, parents, etc) who pays dues is a member of our PTA. I have researched PTO's where everyone is a member and there are no dues. About the issue of voting, the general membership needs to vote on the budget, bylaws, and anything that directly affects the PTA as a whole. I was told by our state PTA parliamentarian, that the executive committee does PTA business in the interim of general membership meetings that has been approved by the general membership.
We are attempting to rewrite our bylaws which are barely usable but have a question about membership. Are members composed of all parents or just those who pay dues --and do those members have a vote on every issue or just those the board chooses to bring before the general meetings? For example, do these new bylaws have to be brought before the general membership for a vote or can the board approve them? Help!!